Monday, November 30, 2020

How to raise dog and baby in the same environment? [Complete Guide]

The arrival of the baby can bring many fears and concerns, especially if you have a pet. Being a mother or father of a pet already requires a lot of care with the house and the animal, but when the birth of the baby is added to the equation, the question arises of how things will be from now on.

"Will they get along?", "can the dog pass some disease to the baby?", "does the dog feel jealous?" are some of the questions that fathers and mothers on duty always have.

So, in today's post, we are going to take all your doubts about this coexistence and the care you need to adopt from now on, regarding the baby, the dog and your home.

Can dogs and newborn babies live together?

The answer is yes, but you need to take certain precautions! The arrival of the new member of the family does not mean that the pet needs to be sent to another home.

It is important to keep a certain distance and to establish conviviality restrictions between the dog and the newborn baby. This is at least for the first few months of life, when the baby's immune system is not fully developed.

After this more critical period, the relationship between the dog and the baby can be very beneficial during the growth of both.

Experts point out that it is important to prepare the puppy even before birth. After all, big changes will happen, so the first tip is to expose your pet to other children in a safe environment, where you can control the interaction.

How to prepare the dog for the arrival of the baby?

Analyze how he behaves when seeking attention and other patterns of behavior. The baby will take up all your time, so your dog will naturally be overlooked.

If you notice that your 4-legged friend is not going to adapt well to the changes, it is time to train your pet. For this we have 4 training tips so that he can follow simple orders and you have more control to take care of everyone in the house.

Another valuable tip: Never punish or scold the dog in the presence of the baby. Try to reward him with compliments and snacks every time he behaves. This way he interprets living with the new member of the family as something positive.

Anyway, the first months of the baby's life need a lot of care, so this approach between the dog and the newborn baby should be careful and slow.

Be patient, over time the two can become great friends. And everyone is rooting for that.

After all, who doesn't melt when they see pictures of puppy and baby together? There's nothing softer about seeing the two of them getting along, is there?

How many months can a baby have contact with a dog?

The newborn baby's immune system is still developing in the first 6 months of life. Therefore, this phase needs attention and a certain limit of contact between the dog and the baby. Always seek the pediatrician's guidance.

The first interaction is also important, but do not force or expose the baby to a possible risk if you do not know how your dog will react.

The tip is to introduce them when the dog is calm. If you feel safe, you can let him smell at least your baby's feet and then reward him for his good behaviour.

Can the dog transmit diseases to the baby?

Yes, the dog can transmit disease to the baby. In fact, he can transmit to any human being, such as mycosis, rabies, Lyme disease and verminosis. That's why taking care of his health and keeping the veterinary follow-up is so important.

Even if the baby has no allergy to its pet, the animal's hair is capable of aggravating other respiratory diseases, such as asthma.

For this reason, the periodic cleaning of the whole house is fundamental, especially the upholstery, such as sofa and mattress.

With so many responsibilities and reduced time, the best option for moms and dads is to have the help of Professionals in upholstery and home cleaning.

Another important point: the dog's hygiene is not as well taken care of as ours, so it is exposed to more microorganisms that can transmit diseases. This can be even more dangerous for the newborn baby.

So, talk well with the child's pediatrician, take the dog to the veterinarian periodically and make sure that the vaccines of the little animal are also up to date.

Is the dog jealous of the baby?

The story of the jealous dog can become true after the baby arrives and he is no longer the favorite. The dog may start trying to get your attention and put himself between you and the person who caused this feeling of abandonment.

On the internet you will find lots of cute pictures and videos of jealous puppies and although cute and funny, you will not want that kind of reaction in your own home.

This can lead to more aggressive actions, at least for a baby. So, to avoid episodes of a dog being jealous of the baby, it's necessary to analyse and prepare the pet before birth, as we said before

Baby and dog in apartment: what to do?

Have you ever heard the phrase "each in his own square"? That must be the orientation if your house is not so big. The first step is to define what space the dog can access and already teach him where he should not enter, like the baby's room.

The training is very important for him to obey and do the needs in the right place. This way you avoid future headaches.

Also, to make the dog less anxious and keep him active, be sure to take him for a walk.

Puppy and baby care routine

The rule is clear: if you take care of a dog and a baby, it means you are a mother/dad twice. So it's twice as much work and worry!

Obviously the baby will fill up all your time and you can't control his behaviour very well, but you can already impose a routine and rules for the dog to follow.

It is necessary to balance the needs of the dog, with those of the son and organization of the house, to guarantee a good coexistence.

Even before the baby arrives, establish a routine for the dog to eat and walk at the right time. And try to follow it during the child's growth.

Health of the dog: a necessary care

As we explained earlier, the dog can be a pivotal factor in diseases that affect the health of the baby and other people in the house. 

Think about it, how often do you take your pet to the vet? Are you paying attention to his health, habits and vaccination?

These questions can demonstrate that you are one of these 3 types of pet owner: 

What you do not know the answer and you lose in all the care and medicine that the pet should take;

What worries too much, is overprotective and wants to take the dog more often;

Or what understands the need for periodic follow-up, but is afraid of the high values of the consultation and a reliable place where he should take his little friend.

No matter what kind of owner you are, here's a valuable tip: hire a health plan for your pet!

You'll find in the market a health plan for cat and dog, with values that fit in your pocket and according to the needs of your four-legged little boy. 

When hiring a pet health plan, you already prepare yourself in case of any emergency, being able to take the animal to any clinic of dogs and cats of the associated network, without extra costs.

We at Mr. Jersey City Cleaning Service recommend the Dog Life company that has a reliable and safe service.

How to ensure the baby's well-being

The baby's health is still very sensitive and even the small cares, like taking the dust out of the room and choosing the right cleaning products already make all the difference. That's why we've prepared 10 EASY and PRACTICAL tips to clean your baby's room properly.

Still, if you live with dogs, it's almost impossible to get rid of the hair they build up all over the house.

The worst part is that the hair is impregnated in the fabric, next to the daily dirt and also to other agents that cause allergies, as the fungus mites and bacteria. Also known as the great villains of respiratory health.

To understand more about why this happens, check out the video below, in which we explain everything you need to know about hair loss and how to avoid it:

To avoid allergic crises and respiratory illnesses, resulting from hair and dirt, it is important to take certain urgent measures to maintain the health of your family.

Keeping the whole house clean is a priority! But besides that, you cannot forget furniture such as sofas, mattresses, armchairs and rugs.

In such situations, having the help of upholstery hygienists such as Jersey City Cleaning Service is the best option, as the cleaning technicians come to you on the day and time you want, deeply cleaning the furniture and eliminating all the dirt that threatens your baby's health.

1 comment:

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